A lifestyle magazine is a popular magazine concerned with lifestyle. It includes a number of men’s magazines, women’s magazines, and magazines about health and fitness, tourism, leisure, fashion, decorating, or culture. The concept is chiefly used in reference to a magazine’s tone.
Wiki: Lifestyle magazine
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Wiki: Variable Refresh Rate
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A variable refresh rate (VRR) is the general term for a dynamic display refresh rate that can continuously and seamlessly vary on the fly,...
Wiki: Online Shopping
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Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Consumers find...
Wiki: Metadata Code
Dav4879,,Wiki, wiki,0
Metadata describes other data. It provides information about a certain item’s content. For example, an image may include metadata...
Wiki: Telecommunications network
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A telecommunications network is a group of nodes interconnected by links that are used to exchange messages between the nodes. The links may use a variety...
Wiki: Direct Marketing
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Direct marketing is a form of communicating an offer, where organizations communicate directly to a pre-selected customer and supply a method for a...
Wiki: Graphic Design
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Images, patterns, layouts, and other graphic devices composed into a coherent, distinctive design intended for printing or display over...
Wiki: WSJ. Magazine
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WSJ. or WSJ. Magazine, which was originally intended to be a monthly magazine named Pursuits, is a luxury glossy news and lifestyle monthly...
Wiki: Entrepreneurship
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You might well wonder whether entrepreneur simply means “a person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in...