Drawlines Misfits: Will Smith Slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars

What kind of asshole move was that? Why did Will Smith slap Chris Rock? Arent they 70 years old? Stop bitch slapping each other there are only a few of you left I used to look up to.TheOscar? REALLY!!!!

The Oscars

As years come and go more and more people are losing interest on the Oscars. They have been losing ratings for a long while now. The show drew an average of 15.3 million viewers for ABC on Sunday, according to early numbers. That’s welcome news for the Academy and ABC, but Sunday’s ratings were still the second-smallest audience for the show in history. Just eight years ago, the Oscars brought in more than 40 million viewers.

Though what happened yesterday at the Oscars really put a spotlight on the Oscars… Just not in a positive way. But like they say in show business any publicity is good publicity, right?

Life talk: (this is me explaining how life works to people who should know this already)

What kind of shotty ass show are you running? You have guards to stop normal people from seeing their favorite celebrities but you can get a celebration out of the fucking room?

I get it, this is really just a music concert and at the end of the night to get free publicity you’d rather let the violence happen than get the idiot off the stage right?

I didn’t watch the Oscars, I never did but I at least thought with everyone wearing their $1000 suits and dresses or whatever fake ass price they put on these clothes, you would at least show some actual class. Instead, the same man that got slapped is the same man that gave the slapper his first Oscar.

Chris Rock

A long-time comedian, actor, and producer. Has been always spitting jokes when he can. He was to announce the Oscar winner for the best documentary he put out some jokes. One joke was pointed at Will Smith‘s wife about her being bold. For any comedian roasting people for a laugh is ok, but it helps ease people to the next segment. Or it helps comedians feel the room a bit to see what kind of audience they are dealing with. Not saying it would change the line of comedy they are putting out much but it does help them in a way. I’m not a comedian myself but I do see this most of the time. Comedians trying to get the audience to move up to their level of acceptance in the line of jokes they are putting out to the audience.

For the Oscars, most of the jokes are like that. Some people say they have writers to fill in those Oscar time gaps, so technically Chris Rock wasn’t the one that made the joke up and he maybe wasn’t even too into the joke. It’s a light joke. This is what he said “Jada, I love you. ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can’t wait to see it.” which is a reference to an old movie (I believe one of the first big-time movies to push women to be equals to men) about a stripper that signs up to be in the army but has to go through Bootcamp. The main character succeeds and becomes a soldier. Now the actress that plays this part really wanted to take this movie seriously. So seriously that she actually got breast implants, and let them shave her hair off during the movie. After the movie was completed I think she had the breast implants removed. But that’s how light of a joke that was.

For me, this is the lightest joke you can probably through at a bold… anyone. Chris Rock could have really dug in there and nailed both Will Smith and Jada Smith to the wall with painful hurtful jokes.

Jada Smith

I’m not in her life. I’m not trying to be in her life… I just want autographs from celebrates but even that shit will never happen which is fine by me at this point in my life cause these people don’t make any sense. I know I’m sidetracking a bit but I’ll get to the point with Jada in a minute: Did she seriously pull a ‘Friends” moment? She don’t think that would fuck with Will Smith mentally?

Did she even ask Will Smith what his thoughts are on a ‘break’ before she even did that shit? And who the fuck is August… is that her favorite month of the year? Did she see him before taking that so-called ‘break’? Did she plan the break so she can sleep with him and turn around like Ross and be like ‘Who did what?’ My point is: She didn’t think that it wouldn’t fuck with her family’s heads? But in the end, something will always linger in the back of their heads. I believe that’s what happened to Will Smith.

(Now, I’m going to just put this here. You can tell me that I can’t question this cause Jada Smith was the one that made this shit public for her show. So just cause I’m late to show don’t me I can’t question things… even though I don’t really care!!)

Life talk:

Jada, your bald… there are men and women that are bald. You are the lucky one that actually has a reason to be bald instead of “well, baldness skips a generation… guess you’ll be bold soon enough while your dad has all the hair”. You have some stupid disease. It doesn’t even kill you, you’re just bald. You have been dealing with it for practically a year. I’m going bald, my brother is bald, I have bald uncles and cousins and friends. We all joke about it, we are all embarrassed about it.

You as a wife have a job to make sure your husband doesn’t look like a damn fool. You failed.

Will Smith

In your generation, you had these long-time fans. Fans that looked at you and said this is how an actor should be. Worked his way up from the bottom. Tv shows, movies, and more. You were up there with Keanu Reeves. Now you a little closer to Coner McGregor. A celebrate but someone that just annoyingly starts shirt for no reason with his hands.

Life talk:

Just cause you are rich does not give you the right to do that shit.

If you actually think you did something to back your woman up, you are wrong. Jada Smith is supposed to be this strong woman but I didn’t see that one bit. If she was offended she should of went up there and slapped Chris Rock herself, at the most. In the least, walk the fuck away.

And what is up with these people… “I’m proud that a black man stood up for his woman?” From another black person? How does that sentence even make sense? Chris Rock and Will Smith are practically on the same level of ‘how fans few celebrate’. What about Chris Rock’s family that watched that shit happen?

IT’S WORDS… Parents… some parents, correction… literally spend years teaching their kids to not fight other people cause of what they say, and here is this dumbass messing up every parent’s non-violent speech to their kid.

Now your kid is backing up what his daddy did, I already know your kids are going to pull the same shit. Why? They don’t know why, but they will, cause they saw you do it. You are a father, what kind of idiot father talks about non-violence and goes around slapping people?

WILL, WE DON’T SLAP COMEDIANS FOR IT. If people can slap comedians for half the things they say they would all quit already. Ukraine wouldn’t have a president killing Russians and joking about it with his comrades! If you can’t take a fucking joke, get your fucking 70-year-old ass up and fucking leave.


The Apology

Ya, no… you cant apologize with words. I might not have been able to say it on other social media sites but I can say it here. You wanna make it right? Chris Rock needs to slap Will Smith, live.

That bullshit you posted up, did you even right it?


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