Whether it’s making bamboo apparel or turning seaweed into car gas, with more technical innovation we are able to almost convert anything to what our society needs to keep the planet and us happy… kinda!

Thing is bamboo clothing is $60 bucks for one shirt. I’ll stick with cotton! And we don’t need gas anymore because we now have electric cars.  But being able to convert cactus into leather is interesting fashionable apparel. Is it? I don’t know yet, but it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot. I mean PETA says the global leather industry kills more than a billion animals for their skin and hides. But do they only kill the animals for ONLY their skin? Or do we kill an animal, skin it, cut it up, feed people, and turn their bones into jello, love some recycled calcium jello!

They say that the environment is impacted as well. The animals need a ton of water… which I don’t understand why that would be bad. It’s not, your feeding a living thing. But killing the animal then skinning it and taking that skin to convert to leather is a chemical process in which then the clothing isn’t biodegradable anymore. One of the reasons why I stick with “pleather”! I don’t mind the fake leather. But even that still isn’t great since pleather is a form of plastic that is formed to look and feel like plastic.

Problem solved folks! Two entrepreneurs — Adrián López Velarde and Marte Cázarez, have found something that can save both the animals and the planet but still give us them slick leather coats. The company’s called Adriano Di Marti. They’ve come up with a new technique to create a fabric using cactus leaves, they are calling the business “Desserto”. Cactus, known for its rugged nature is quite hard and thick and pointy, however, when fully processed, it not only feels like actual leather, but since it is made from cactus — a plant that can grow in the desert with minimum moisture — it doesn’t consume as much water.

The Co-founders are saying that the cactus-leather is nearly the same price as the real leather. They were able to find a variety of different plant-based ways to have a variety of colors to choose from. The creators have been able to fabricate car seats, bags, shoes, and even apparel using the material. I am a bit excited I have to admit. I like leather jackets. I just don’t want to take it off an animal’s hide or leave the planet in worse shape than it already has to be. Don’t get me wrong, animal leather is not going away. These animals that are hunted for food still need to be properly made into something else

Would you buy a cactus made leather jacket for the same price for animal made leather? Hell, would you buy a bamboo shirt for $60 bucks?! Let us know your thoughts. Be safe.


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