So I’m reading articles, drawing comics, or playing video games when I run into another article mentioning a group...
Drawlines Misfits: The New Spider-Man Suit
davide malta, , Books, Games, Thoughts, art, books, games, thoughts, video games, 0Spider-man has had 2 to 4 main suits. Then the spidey-verse came around. Now there are indie artists coming...
Drawlines Misfits: Warner Bros Moves 2021 Movie Slate To HBO Max Without Telling… People
davide malta, , Books, Games, Movies, Thoughts, books, games, HBO Max, movies, thoughts, video games, 1Warner Brothers made a massive decision to have all their movies play at the cinema and play them on...
Sony isn’t stopping! They want to revamp it all. This is about the plans to bring back a renewed...
Sony just released their latest console and I guess they skipped wanting to go to Disney world after they...
Drawlines Misfits: Cyberpunk 2077… k!
davide malta, , Games, Reviews, games, reviews, video games, 0I don’t know what to say… Oo, wait. This sucks!!
Drawlines Misfits: Super Bowl Commercial DORITOS BLAZE vs. MOUNTAIN DEW ICE
davide malta, , Business, Games, Inspiration, Thoughts, Videography, ads, advertising, art, branding, business, marketing, thoughts, 0O MY GOD!!! This is the best commercial ever created since whenever life existed ever!! Peter Dinklage (facebook link)...
Drawlines Misfit: Injustice 2, play TMNT
davide malta, , Games, Thoughts, games, thoughts, video games, 0Drawlines Awesomeness: If you’re looking for art, creativity, and comic book skills with amazing color, or you’re looking to...