We are in a time with not one major event but 3 back, to back events. We have the never-ending pandemic on one side, a hurricane that devastated the east side of the USA, and Lanturn flys that are just spreading like wildfire eating up all the trees. With the pandemic still, slowly coming to an end, hopefully, sooner than later we are now hit with a small event happening in the business side of things. The hard-working truckers that drive on the veins of this country bringing us amazon products, groceries, and more are going on strike. A totally different group are also going on strike, the employees of Kellogg’s workers for kinda similar reasons.

With Biden, the president, basically forcing everyone to take a vaccine shot whether they like it or not you have people in the trucking business, police, fire departments quitting or losing their jobs over this. Look, not for nothing, I am all up for vaccines. But forcing people to pick their jobs or their vaccine shot, or in other words, their livelihood or their health. It is not anyone else’s call other than the person who wants or doesn’t want to get the shot. At this point no matter what position you are in, this has now just fallen under the flu or cold departments if you have taken the vaccine.

I can tell you right now I don’t take flu vaccinations. I just don’t need it. Yes, when I do end up getting the flu my illness is longer to flush out my system but that’s my choice. AND if I am to sick to even get out of bed I don’t get paid, I run my own business I don’t have “vacation time” or “PTO”. I just don’t get paid. Still ok with it. But Biden seems to care more about his numbers than what his people care about.

As the economy picked up, truckers have been asked to work longer hours and are pressured to pick up the slack that exists because many people are avoiding jobs, mostly trucker jobs.

What are the reasons for the strike? You name it. They want better pay that’s more commensurate to the billions in profit that the company makes and a tentative contract deal between the union. The Deere Company will give them a 6% raise, great right? But the company wants to remove pensions for new employees. These truckers know the hard work and long hours they are putting into their jobs so they said ‘nope’. So far that’s where that is.

On a side note: Kellogg’s employees want better pay, better hours. Apparently, if you work at Kellogg’s you are working 10 hour days. You are barely seeing your family. Is that true? I don’t know, but it’s coming directly from an employee’s month.

I bring all this up because there is a new robot arm that will start being used soon. A robot arm preprogrammed on how to do your job in the kitchen of McDonald’s. If successful then those 4 workers in the kitchen will be replaced with 1 mechanic/engineer. I was on Instagram and saw an advertisement for an opportunity to put money into the business that will be making these smart kitchens that will be flipping burgers and has it all prepped and ready so that way it’s faster to serve and it makes everything on time, maybe.

Now Walmart has started funding and experimenting on driverless trucks. They have already made their first test run. It was 7 miles from their warehouse to the closest store, I believe in Illinois. If this works out those new drivers will no longer be needed because companies will focus more on hiring mechanics/engineers to repair the trucks the drivers.

That means fewer people in the workforce. More money for the companies running the fast-food chains. Am I hating on the decision these big millionaires made? Nooo! You lazy asses wanted to wait till you collected every penny of your unemployment before applying to a new job! They just got tired of waiting. That’s just how the industry goes, we all have known for a long time now that it was coming. It’s in the movies, news articles, and so on every other week.

Good luck folks, I hope everyone gets what they need at the end.


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