Welcome to The Anime Effect, the weekly podcast hosted by Crunchyroll’s own in-house, resident anime experts – Nicholas Friedman, LeAlec Murray, and Leah President. The show is a lively mixture of roundtable news and discussion with Crunchyroll hosts and special guests as they debate hot topics, provide recommendations, and tackle fan questions.

Legendary voice actor Lenore Zann joins The Anime Effect to talk X-Men ‘97 and her countless anime English dub roles. First, Nick and LeAlec are talking DEAD DEAD DEMONS DEDEDEDE DESTRUCTION, Naruto’s collab with Crocs, One Piece’s Vegas celebration, and more.

Have a question for The Anime Effect? Ask it here: https://got.cr/ae14-5

00:00 Welcome!
3:31 Kura Sushi x Dragon Ball Super
6:45 News
10:23 One Piece X Las Vegas Sphere
13:14 Naruto X Crocs
17:12 Mobile Suit Gundam X Call of Duty
20:11 Welcome, Lenore Zann!
20:40 Lenore’s gateway anime
22:40 Why Lenore loves voice acting
26:05 Why Lenore loves X-Men ’97
27:04 Lenore on returning as Rogue
32:07 Why the world loves Lenore as Rogue
34:23 Lenore on X-Men family
37:05 X-Men ’97 Season 2
38:02 Lenore’s anime roles
42:14 We recommend…
42:25 Haikyu!!
45:12 Animal Well
45:29 Fluffy Paradise
47:05 Marvel’s Midnight Suns
49:31 Mailbag
49:50 If you were to make an anime-inspired show, what would it be inspired by?
52:32 Who is the most evil villain in the whole entire anime history?
56:41 Bye!

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