The new series based on the blockbuster movie, TRUE LIES follows Harry Tasker (Steve Howey), a first-class international spy for U.S. intelligence agency Omega Sector, and his wife, Helen (Ginger Gonzaga), a language professor bored with her daily routine, who makes the shocking discovery that her seemingly ordinary husband is leading an extraordinary double life. With the secret out, Omega recruits Helen, who impresses everyone with her formidable skills , and she joins Harry and his team of top-notch operatives, embarking on covert missions around the globe and an exhilarating life of danger and adventure – all while keeping their adventures a secret from their children. The renewed bond between them adds much-needed sizzle to the Taskers’ emotionally distant marriage and upends the top-secret world of Omega Sector. But, as Harry says, if you’re going to save the world, you might as well do it for the ones you love, on the series premiere of TRUE LIES, Wednesday, March 1 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available on the CBS app and streaming on Paramount+.
Drawlines Misfits: Paramount+ True Lies | Trailer 2:00 | CBS
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