Naoyuki Itō, the director of the Overlord TV anime series and Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom, and Kentarô Hashimoto, the film’s producer, shared their thoughts on the film with LeAlec Murray and Lena Lemon. Hear about their experience adapting this story for the silver screen and which characters are their favorites. Then, get LeAlec and Leah’s OVA recommendations and learn which anime they’d like to see get a slice-of-life crossover.
Welcome to The Anime Effect, the weekly podcast hosted by Crunchyroll’s own in-house, resident anime experts – Nicholas Friedman, LeAlec Murray, and Leah President. The show is a lively mixture of roundtable news and discussion with Crunchyroll hosts and special guests as they debate hot topics, provide recommendations, and tackle fan questions.
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0:00 Welcome!
1:57 What’s on your Christmas list?
6:59 Naoyuki Itō & Kentarô Hashimoto join! (Overlord: The Sacred Kingdom director & producer)
19:50 Recommendations
26:06 Mailbag
29:03 Bye!
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