Welcome to The Anime Effect, the weekly podcast hosted by Crunchyroll’s own in-house, resident anime experts – Nicholas Friedman, LeAlec Murray, and Leah President. The show is a lively mixture of roundtable news and discussion with Crunchyroll hosts and special guests as they debate hot topics, provide recommendations, and tackle fan questions.

We’ve opened the Anime Expo vault to finally share our conversation with director of the Apothecary Diaries, Norihiro Naganuma. Leah and guest host Kristine Don chatted with Naganuma-san about their favorite moments from Season 1 and what we can expect to see in Season 2. But first, Leah, Kristinee, Nick, and LeAlec share the latest on Bananya Around The World, Dragon Ball Diama, and an Attack on Titan theme park ride.

Dragon Ball Daima TV Anime Starts October 11 With Extended 1st Episode: https://got.cr/ae30-1
Bananya Around the World Anime Premieres October 2024, Will Stream on Crunchyroll: https://got.cr/ae30-2
Attack on Titan Launches Next Collab Ride at Fuji-Q Highland Theme Park: https://got.cr/ae30-3
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Movie Takes Us to Tokyo in First Full Trailer: https://got.cr/ae30-4

Have a question for The Anime Effect? Ask it here: https://got.cr/ae-ask

0:00 Welcome!
3:39 Kristine’s Gateway Anime
9:28 News
9:58 Dragon Ball Daima TV Anime
11:24 Bananya Around the World Anime
14:41 Attack on Titan Theme Park Ride
16:08 Sonic the Hedgehog 3
17:03 Apothecary Diaries Director Norihiro Naganuma joins!
32:32 We Recommend…Webtoons
39:42 Mailbag: The anime quotes we MISSED in our brackett
43:03 Bye!

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#AnimeEffect #Anime #Crunchyroll


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