Welcome to The Anime Effect, the weekly podcast hosted by Crunchyroll’s own in-house, resident anime experts – Nicholas Friedman, LeAlec Murray, and Leah President. The show is a lively mixture of roundtable news and discussion with Crunchyroll hosts and special guests as they debate hot topics, provide recommendations, and tackle fan questions.

GRAMMY-nominated artist and Euphoria composer Labrinth joins The Anime Effect to talk about his surprising gateway anime, how TikTok has shaped the music industry and how anime inspires his live performance. Plus, Noah Lyles reps Yu-Gi-Oh!, LiSA comes to theaters and David Dastmalchian joins the cast of the One Piece live-action series.

Have a question for The Anime Effect? Ask it here: https://got.cr/ae-ask

00:54 Welcome!
02:24 David Dastmalchian joins the live-action One Piece cast
06:11 News
09:00 Demon Slayer -KIMETSU NO YAIBA- the stage
11:54 Billie Eilish gets a special gift from Attack on Titan creator
13:34 Noah Lyles brings out his Blue Eyes
17:17 Labrinth X The Anime Effect
38:30 We Recommend…
38:52 Father, I don’t Want this Marriage
39:57 Delicious in Dungeon, Konosuba & Urusei Yatsura
40:11 Konosuba Season 3
40:30 Urusei Yatsura
40:47 7th Prince
42:28 By the Grace of the Gods
43:07 You Recommend…
43:36 Fairy Tail, Haikyu!!, & Black Summoner
44:25 Mailbag
44:37 Which is the most beautiful anime?
46:44 If you were in My Hero Academia, which quirk would you like to have?
49:40 Anime Expo 2024

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