As a company that perfects visual details to guarantee funneling possible future customers/clients to our client’s website or storefront, it’s important to double-check their in-house graphic designer‘s work as much as our own before printing or posting online. Marketing companies and graphic design studios depend on the “double-checking” between the clients and designers before that big expensive move – printing! Online is not expensive, but it is much more time consuming. From a business standpoint, “time is money” so you are wasting money if you posted an ad on social media incorrectly or/and have errors. “Incorrectly” can fall under all sorts of things, no hashtags… you need the hashtags! Misspellings, which professionally, you should always not have misspellings and proper sharing at proper times when people are at their most curious and/or bored. But on top of that, a lot more future leads (possible clients) would also see your mistakes, in which you would lose money for not gaining the amount of clients your ad “goals” should accomplish. So for hopefully the first of many to come, our monthly “what the fuck” articles!

McDonald’s Hamburglar

McDonald’s thought it would be a great idea to resurrect the Hamburglar (GOD… I am so sorry for those of you that clicks this link!). As the chain unveiled the new version of the character, a masked man, who is either a more colorful version of zorro, a creepy rapist or a WWE wrestler, depending on whom you ask. It’s clear that they wanted to move from a life person cartoon type feel to a more realistic… burglar.

But the commercials that they actually put out was just another type of weirdness as Mcdonald‘s try to embed the idea that this is a father and husband that goes around stealing food… does he at least share the food with his kid? Does he steal the kid’s toys? I kind of like to think that if this is a “happy go lucky” commercial that he would at least steal food for the family and toys for his kid. But we all know that in reality that cops will just kick down his door and shoot him in front of his family… too much? Should have kept him as a cartoon!

Girls FIFA World Cup Canada 2015

Come on our girls banner

As a small graphic design and print business that offers banner prints… rereading the approved info before printing is so important. For those new print businesses, graphic design studios, trying to grow, you have to know this now: the deeper you get into the print project the more expensive it’s going to be to redo the project correctly. Double-checking everything and then having a second designer check your work before sending to your client for approval should be part of your design work process. First impressions, showing your professionalism off the bat is the best way to get a permanent client.

Which we have to point out, we design and print posters of all types and sizes which you can see at the right-hand side of your desktop screen, or if you’re on your mobile just scroll down after reading this funny article. We have been updating the crap out of this site so if you don’t see the product your looking for contact us and we will personally send you an estimate or hit that email button on the bottom right-hand corner or click here.

About the FIFA poster? This poster can be reused for a porn site, “Hey PornHub, wanna banner for half the printing purchase price?!” Here the thing for the world to understand. Design, online marketing, printing and everything inbetween is about time. The problem with that goes back to “time is money” The faster you are the more money businesses can make off one person per day. The problem with this? No time to sit back and really see what your doing.

Sex sells Bus Rides

Talking about PornHub type advertising!!

A bus company at the UK has come under fire for promoting a new route with a poster on the back of its vehicles showing an apparently topless man/woman holding a sign saying “ride me all day for £3”. Sex sells a lot of products and/or services, but posting visuals that literally sounds like your selling sex is not the move here! But hey, it’s an equal opportunity situation? There are naked women and men involved!


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