February 6, 2021

This isn’t about episode six but it is about some possible Easter Eggs. I was surfing the web a bit and discovered some possible Fantastic 4 hints?

One possible easter egg is that the S.W.O.R.D logo looks to close to a 4? That’s a bit far fetched if you ask me. Does that mean that when the Fantastic 4 come into screen that they will just own S.W.O.R.D? Or S.W.O.R.D will have the Fantastic 4 in their pocket? I mean that’s what it looked like in the remake.

Next easter egg is what Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) said. She knows a good aerospace engineer. The one that comes to mind for me is Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) or Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom). Let’s face it with Rambeau in the picture and in the Captain Marvel movie as a little girl there are a lot of options that Marvel can play around here. But to start merging the long lost characters under Fox into the MCU now would be a great opportunity to bring back so many characters

Lowes (Kat Dennings) mentions that there is some “Cosmic Microwave Radiation” over the town. Is there a possibility that the fantastic crew is in that town? Or will there be S.W.O.R.D scientists that will show up on the next episode hopefully being the new actors to portray the classic Marvel team? Will there be a multiverse where the Fantastic 4 team will come in cause they are drawn to the town because of the radiation. There is a reason for them to show up to the town. If they are already the team in another multiverse then they need that radiation to hopefully “cure” their abilities or at least “cure” Ben Grim (The Thing)

S.W.O.R.D is pulling back on the astronaut program and is more focused on AI, weapons, and so on. Does that mean that the 4 Team went already up there? Or will they experiment in space after WandaVision show ends?

On Marvel.com this is already setup as a single web page which means this is something that will soon happen. Will the original Fantastic 4 come in? Or will the remake actors come in? Will Marvel scrap both and just have all new cast? That seems a bit less likely only because our favorite first avenger is up to be in Dr. Strangers 2 movie as the Human Torch. Ya!

Episode 5 – THE FUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!

February 5, 2021


So, they did it!! They finally did it and they did it so well it’s crazy and unexpected. Jesus Christ, I swear if you didn’t see the episode or the show you should be ashamed of yourself at this point!! LOL! I’m just saying it’s so good I had to get up off my seat cause I couldn’t believe how perfect this setup was. So let’s get this going cause the ENDING IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!

This is now the ’80s. This home has so many of my parent’s old things it’s hilarious!! It’s got a Full House feel which is ironic since her twin sisters are the ones that played the baby in the house when the show came out. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) with her curly hair and Vision (Paul Bettany) with his checkered button-down shirt both carrying babies. The babies are crying like what babies do, Wanda is starting to get a bit fed up so she was going to use a bit of her abilities to get them to sleep while Vision gets their pacifiers but her powers don’t work on the kids. Why doesn’t her abilities work on her kids? Now, as far as I understand it, in the comics anyway a powered family can’t affect another family member with abilities cause it cancels each other out. It probably will nudge them a bit but nothing to crazy. Or the babies arent real? But the kids had to of come from somewhere. Like in episode 4 when Vision walks in Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) (AKA Geraldine) was thrown out of town her clothing wasn’t converted to modern apparel.

Ya… this is annoying, the neighbor Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) rings the bell and just comes right in… I seriously think locks on doors weren’t for stopping thieves from breaking in, it’s to stop friends and family from walking in whenever they want cause they saw it on an ’80s show! So many old things!! Ya, I’m showing my age a bit.

Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) says she came in hearing the babies cry and would like to help but Vision (Paul Bettany) got so worried about Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) holding the babies that Agnes had no idea what to do. So what does she do? She asked the producer of the show… Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen). It was so awkward that even the babies stopped crying. Wanda was able to move the storyline along to get Agnes to handle the babies in a comedic way but Vision saw how things stopped and tried to question Wanda about that weird moment. Wanda blames it on Agnes’s quirkiness.

More weirdness. The babies do stop crying, only to grow up to 5 years old, in 5 seconds. With clothing and all… why isn’t that our reality!!

The intro… it’s so ’80s! I remember most of these shows having something to do with painting or coloring and I hated that music. Mixed feelings!!

Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) is alive! But her doctor is trying to get x-rays and blood tests but every time they run tests nothing seems to work. What does that mean?

Woo (Randall Park) and the S.W.O.R.D crew have a group meeting and I have to say I think Woo is ging to be the next “Culson” He has that light comedic release that a show or a movie needs. S.W.O.R.D reveals a video 2 weeks after the Avengers: EndGame battle of Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) breaking into a government facility and taking Vision’s corpse, which looks like it was broken apart. In Vision’s will, he made sure after he passes his body can’t be weaponized in any way.

Back to WandaVision the boys, now, try to hide a dog from their mom, Wanda, still weird to say out loud. Vision (Paul Bettany) sees the dog but instead of having his real face he is already in “human” mode cause suspects for some reason someone will walk through the door… which they have. Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) walks in, without knocking with a dog house. Which Vision and I thought was weird. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) made a dog leash with her abilities right in front of Agnes, Vision got so concerned because they were always trying to hide them as best as they could. Wanda looks at him and says “I’m tired of hiding, Vis. And maybe you don’t have to either” in return Vision asks “What aren’t you telling me”

Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) being parents tell the kids that they are to young to handle a dog. The parents said “You have to be 10 years old to get a dog” Sooo… they turned 10 years old and they were proud of what they just did. How are they growing at will?


In the meantime, Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) is trying to figure a way in without getting warped into WandaVision reality.  Seeing the trailers it seems like they are going with the “fallout shelter on wheels” plan. Woo (Randall Park) brings up the kids and starts to wonder how much power she really has. Monica Rambeau thinks Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) was strong enough to take out Thanos on her own if he didn’t initiate the “blip” Woo believes Captain Marvel also could of beaten Thanos. As soon as he mentions Captain Marvel she dismisses her like she hates her. I think it’s a personal thing. Her mom died and she probably never saw Caption Marvel at the funeral.

Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) looks again at the image of the toy drone and goes to take a look at the clothing from the ’80s and then shoots it with a gun. It’s bulletproof. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) is changing reality to fit WandaVision style it’s not all in allusion. Also, a good point, what happens when you take something from the ’80s and place it… in the ’80s.


Vision (Paul Bettany) is at work and is introduced to the internet. New learning lesson: The internet! The internet started in the 80’s as just a communications software. The World Wide Web is information. How the information is displayed all depends on the device itself. They are two separate things. If I got an old computer I will only receive mostly the wording. The pictures will have less color so it would look like a kid colored it in Microsoft Paint! The first type of computers the images will also most likely not exist because the old computers have no way of understanding those formats yet (jpg, gif, png,) no one has “taught” the computers how to process them yet, the images will be a bunch of zeros and ones. But Vision does end up seeing S.W.O.R.D‘s message. Because of that so does everyone else and they can’t seem to process it either as they all read the message together and laugh it off as a joke. Vision on the other hand starts to puzzle together the pieces and uses his mind stone to bring back Norm’s real self. But Vision ends up seeing how scared he is saying “You have to stop here. She’s in my head. It hurts. It hurts so much.”

Another drone approaches her house but it’s an ’80s drone, first type of model. With the help of Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) S.W.O.R.D was successful in getting one in that can connect to old software letting them see what’s going on inside. They find Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and tries to communicate with her but it goes downhill from there when S.W.O.R.D tries to kill her. S.W.O.R.D’s alarms go off indicating a breach in the force field. It’s Wanda, holding the drone and she is pissed! She warns S.W.O.R.D to stay out of her town and she goes back inside… maybe it is all her?

The Lagos commercial comes up with that classic style of paper towels. Lagos is an interesting word for a paper towel company. “Lagos” – “For when you make a mess you didn’t mean to.”

After the commercial, Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and her kids find that Sparky is dead and the kids are eager to grow up to an age that they can handle the death of the family dog. But Wanda in front of Agnes who found the dog tries to explain the best way how to cope with death. But the boys ask to bring the dog back from the died surprising Agnes “You can do that?”. Wanda telling her kids to not run away from the truth of the dog’s death is hard for her since she did all this to avoid Vision’s death. Wanda is a bit troubled by this moment especially since the reason those boys exist right now is from her “husband” who is dead but is standing next to her as he hugs the boys.

Back at the house Vision (Paul Bettany) confronts Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) in what he is doing. Vision says “What are going to do, turn in for the night so that you can change everything over again? You can’t control me like the others” Wanda looks at him and says “Can’t I?”  Wanda tries to dodge the questioning by pulling up the credits but he intervenes causing the show to remove the credits. This is where things go down folks!! Vision converts back to his real self as he walks behind Wanda saying “Norm has a family, Wanda! He has a family and he can’t reach them because you won’t let him reach them!” Wanda’s response is she doesn’t know what he is talking about and he gets mad as fuck! “STOP LYING TO ME” Vision says “What is outside of West View, I don’t even know who I am, I’m scared.” This is odd cause he is a machine but that mind stone really helped him understand humanity. Wanda tries to calm him down but when she mentions that he is the father of two children he realizes that there are no kids in the town. I love that you can actually see the difference between the ’80s acting and today’s acting. It shows us views just how far this career has gone since the ’50s

Then the doorbell rings. I jumped from my seat seeing this scene. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) says “I didn’t do that. You don’t believe me…” Vision (Paul Bettany) has a look like he doesn’t and they go to the door. We cut to see that S.W.O.R.D’s alarm has gone off again. and it’s her brother. Vision (Paul Bettany) asks “who this is.” Pietro says “Long-lost bro get to squeeze his stinking sister to death or what,” You’d think that would be the reason why I’d jump from my seat but it’s not. It’s the fact that it’s her brother from the other… other movie. The X-men movies. Disney is finally introducing the X-men to the MCU. That’s how they end episode 5 . WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

Easter Eggs:

Monica Rambeau’s X-Rays

We know that Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) does become a super-powered hero. With what I’m assuming is her DNA being rewritten to “stone energy”. Rambeau has gone through a range of codenames, including “Captain Marvel,” “Spectrum,” and even “Photon.” If you click on her name you’d see that in her Bio from Marvel.com.


(Got this info from Facebook) Sparky the dog is a reference to Tom King’s Vision comic series. There, Vision attempted to settle down and build a family of his own by creating a synthezoid family. The dog originally belonged to some of Vision’s neighbors, and he was killed when he accidentally dug up the Grim Reaper’s corpse and electrocuted himself on the villain’s weapon. Vision extracted Zeke’s brain from his body and used it to create a synthezoid dog – which may well yet happen. Sparky was beaten to death by one of Vision’s children in a fit of rage but was subsequently resurrected by Scarlet Witch.

Lagos Commercial

In Wanda’s past, Captain America: Civil War Avengers were in Lagos, Nigeria in Africa and she was trying to contain an explosion caused by Crossbones blowing himself up but wasn’t strong enough to lift it high enough to clear a building. She was unfairly blamed for the tragedy, which led to the signing of the Sokovia Accords.


Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) in shock because this wasn’t something she had done. She is greeted by her brother Pietro – but recast to be played by Evan Peters. He played Quicksilver in Fox’s X-Men films, X-Men: Days of Future PastX-Men: Apocalypse, and X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Episode 4 – Whaaaaaaaaa???

January 29, 2021

Whaaaaaaaaa, so this is the big reveal! The episode that explains everything per previous episodes up to this point in real-time. People started coming back from the snap. That means that this episode started right after the Hulk just snapped his fingers at the beginning of this episode. “Geraldine” (Teyonah Parris), if that’s her real name, ya it’s not I know, appears back in the hospital sitting by a bed. Watching her hands appear back she freaks out. “Geraldine” runs to the hospital hall looking for anyone for help only to see and run into people appearing back from the snap. In the meantime, the past Thanos (Josh Brolin) is starting his attack on the present Avengers, bombing their building and sending his alien soldiers to go for the kill. “Geraldine” finds her mom’s doctor and the doctor tells her that her mom died 3 years ago from cancer coming back and she disappeared 5 years ago.

After the show intro, we see ‘The Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division’ S.W.O.R.D headquarters  (a bit different than the comics! It’s on earth instead of space.), a US intelligence agency that monitors threats and potential allies from space and “Geraldine” apparently works there, worked, and her real name issss Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris)… Yes! If you just saw Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) for the 2nd time with your kid cause she never saw it or was to young then you would know that Monica Rambeau (AKA Geraldine from previous episodes) is the daughter of Maria Rambeau. Maria Rambeau is the best friend of Captain Marvel. Apparently, Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch) was very inspired by S.H.I.E.L.D and aliens because she was the one that helped bring up S.W.O.R.D.

Also after the show intro, it seems that this is 3 weeks later since Avengers: EndGame. S.W.O.R.D was more about a friendlier approach but because of the “Blip” they converted more into “robotics, nanotech, AI, and sentient weapons.” and well let’s just say a more aggressive approach if aliens were to “ring earth’s doorbell”. Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), grounded by her mother’s recent rules for people affected by the “Blip” takes a simple FBI request to use one of S.W.O.R.D‘s drones to figure out something… about a missing person… in a missing town?

She makes her way to New Jersey where the town of WestView is located (Ya it’s a real place!) to meet the FBI agent… Yep, James E. Woo (Randall Park). Those of you that don’t remember, he was on Ant-Man and the Wasp movie. He meets Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), Woo flicks out his card like a magician — a trick he learned from Scott Lang and the Online Close-Up Magic University in Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Woo (Randall Park) explains that he is looking for a missing person with in the town only to find out the officers don’t believe there is a Westview… even though they are standing 3 yards away from the main road going into the town. What’s even more interesting is how he explained to her that “the Town” didn’t want him to go into the town. Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) sends in a drone, YES!!, the colored toy that Wanda finds in the bushes is this drone. Remember what I said, things or actions from people that don’t belong in that TV century or era are colored because the bubble that they are in can’t fully change the object. So it stands out, like Dottie’s (side character) bloody hand. There was no blood on these shows in the ’50s and ’60s.

Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) notices the drone gone, so she gets closer to the town only to find some sort of field. She places her hand in there and gets sucked right in. Now we know how she got in on episode 2.

Who comes in to sort this crazy out? Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) from Thor: The Dark World and other scientists. An agent helps her to her room, tent space?. I like the subtle jokes and funny little verbal discussions that eases the show as things get worse per scene. She takes her tech out only to find an old frequency. Yes, keywords, old, frequency. Those young folk that knows nothing about anything let me enlighten you a bit. Today, we the people are sending out digital frequency for anyone that wants free local TV digitally, digital is only 15 years old just about. Back then we did the same with analog signal and that was on since, you guessed it, the invention of the… wrong… the radio!! Radio was the first signal put up to the world, TV came after. At least with my articles, you can learn things!! Or it might be the reason I only get 100 to 2oo views per article…

She then asks for a TV “Not flat”. She turns it on and boom! WandaVision, Darcy Lewis immediately recognizes both Avengers on Episode 1.

Darcy Lewis watches on to episode 2 and finds Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) as “Geraldine” then Lewis thinks of a way to find a chance to communicate by radio. That scene with Wanda and Dottie. Which solves that mystery!

S.W.O.R.D sends in a person named Agent Franklin through the sewers only to show as episodes 2’s beekeeper.

Woo (Randall Park) starts writing good questions down on a board and then IDing as many people as possible as the show progresses. What are some of these questions?

  • Why hexagonal shape
  • Why Sitcoms?
  • Same time & space?
  • Is Vision alive?
  • Why is each episode jumping through time?

Which are all very good questions especially the Hexagonal shape that the forcefield has taken.

Lewis notices another cut scene on episode 3 after Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), AKA Geraldine delivers the baby and Wanda gets pissed that Rambeau (Teyonah Parris), AKA Geraldine remembers her brother. Warning alarms go off at S.W.O.R.D but in the meantime, we get to see what actually happens after the cut scene, which I will not mention!

After Wanda flings Monica out for trying to give her a dose of reality, she briefly sees Vision (Paul Bettany) as a gray walking corpse, with a big hole in his head from where Thanos ripped out the Mind Stone from the movie Avengers: Infinity Wars. It’s horrifying! My two cents here but is this Vision as he really is? Or is this a multiverse Vision and she is implementing a projection of her Vision to this live version?

Vision (Paul Bettany) says they can go anywhere but Wanda says “No, we can’t. This is our home,” with tears in her eyes, suggesting the Westview reality is the only place she can keep Vision alive or her image of him through this other reality Vision.

Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) was thrown out of town… why does she still have her ’80s clothing on? If it was just a simple reality why didn’t her clothing change back to modern-day apparel? Does this mean that Wanda fixed Vision (Paul Bettany)? Think about it. It’s not impossible to remove the stone from his forehead. It is just very complex. That was what Black Panther’s sister tried to do while Thanos’ goons showed up in Africa. Rambeau  outside the town says “this is all Wanda”

Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) interruption changes the TV’s aspect ratio from the retro 4:3 to a more suitable widescreen, but 4:3 asserts itself with Wanda’s illusion.

The last scene of the episode was Wanda and Vision (Paul Bettany) carrying the babies to the coach so they can watch TV, but Vision had such a confused expression behind Wanda’s back before sitting down.

We got some good friends of ours that have been creating some fun YouTube videos and podcasts. They are here in New Jersey and we asked them to share their videos to our posts. They are heavy in the history of the WandaVision shows or anything that pertains to entertainment. Hopefully, they will start posting on our website here full-time!

Easter Egg

EndGame Vision

Episode 3

January 22, 2021

I’m starting to realize for each episode it jumps a century. This one takes place in the ’70s. Or late ’60s? The show starts with Wanda being pregnant and the doctor giving her a checkup. The doctor seems to be a bit of a sexist when he said that he would explain pregnancy to a pregnant woman, wait… mansplaining!! As the doctor leaves there seems to be a glitch with the neighbor. It seems that Wanda or someone is losing control of this show. The neighbor went from cutting the bushes to cutting the cement wall fence bordering their homes.

Vision (Paul Bettany) wants to call the baby Billy, after William Shakespeare, Wanda prefers all-American name, Tommy. Her abilities seem to get uncontrollable every time the pregnancy has some type of change. The butterflies in the baby room (the paint cans that say Simser, the name of the show’s storyboard artist Jeremy Simser). The house going crazy when she gets her Braxton Hix contraction. Love that “team duo confused but still ready to have each other’s backs” pose though!!

Wanda sees concern that people will find out who they are. But instead of Vision (Paul Bettany) deflecting that, he is voicing his concerns about the reality around him. Pointing out episode 1’s dinner and other moments where things just don’t fit. But before anything else can happen he is, restarted? The show glitches, stopping him from his thought process. Which I have to say, someone or Wanda is stopping him from completing these types of thoughts. When the beekeeper emerged from the manhole in episode 2, we clearly saw it was Wanda who did the rewinding.

Now the pregnancy is happening and Geraldine is delivering. Vision (Paul Bettany) went to go get the doctor using super-speed while the doctor is trying to “leave for vacation”. How are they concerned for their identity in the town but Vision doesn’t just take the car? Doesn’t matter because the doctor was oblivious to almost flying faster than the speed of sound.

After the doctor checks the baby and Vision (Paul Bettany) sees him out Vision asks “I hope you’ll be able to go on your trip” But the doctor’s response is “I don’t think we’ll get away after all. Small towns… so small to escape.” which leave Vision pondering about what he just said. Enough to start questioning the neighbors. And the neighbors almost start speaking the truth.

In the meantime, in the house, the babies are doing fine, and Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) starts to mention that she is also a twin, with her brother Piedro (AKA Quicksilver). He died in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Wanda starts singing a native song she knows to the babies but then Geraldine actually remembers that Wanda’s brother was killed and says it out loud… for Wanda to hear. Jesus that was a mistake!! It gets dark! Wanda questions how she knew that and all of a sudden, Geraldine disappears. The next scene is Geraldine tossed from the town border and on to a field where it looks like soldiers are surrounding her.

So I was told by my brother that Geraldine is being played by Teyonah Parris, Geraldine is reported to be a grown-up version of Monica Rambeau, last seen as a young girl in the movie Captain Marvel (Brie Larson).

Easter Eggs:

Properly Dressed

Has anyone noticed that Vision’s (Paul Bettany) collar isn’t in his sweater on one side? It’s like that the whole show. Is there a meaning to that?

The ads

The evil Hydra brand is back with a commercial for Hydra Soak Luxury Bath Soap. The first two adverts seemed to be drawn from Wanda’s memories, whereas this one seems linked to the stress of impending parenthood. On  Agents of SHIELD, as Coulson himself referred to Hydra’s “mind control soap” in season 4.

The voice-over again hints at an artificial reality (“Escape to a world all your own…”). Meanwhile, the ad’s tagline is “Find the goddess within.” That could mean she has been holding back even though in the Avengers: EndGame fight she went up against Thanos.

Again the actors in the ads are Victoria Blade and Ithamar Enriquez. The recurring presence of the same man and woman in Wanda’s memories suggests it could be her parents.

The Kids

Billy and Tommy aren’t names of Wanda and Vision’s twins in the Marvel comics. Billy and Tommy end up becoming major players in the Young Avengers comic series. Billy is Wiccan, capable of flight, lightning-based spells, illusions, forcefields, telekinetic abilities, and more. Tommy is Speed, who has superhuman speed and agility, similar to his uncle Quicksilver. Whether Billy and Tommy will exist only in this sitcom universe or if this indicates these Young Avengers will become part of the MCU remains to be seen.

They’re in luck, because it turns out they’re having twins! In the comics, Wanda’s desire for children has led to several dramatic (and tragic) storylines. Her twin boys were revealed to be fragments of the demon Mephisto, who may or may not make an appearance in the show. More recently, Wanda’s grown-up sons Billy and Tommy joined the Young Avengers team as heroes Wiccan and Speed.

Come back for more Easter eggs and observations next Friday, when episode 4 of WandaVision hits Disney Plus.

Episode 1 & 2

January 15, 2021

We’ve been waiting to watch this show only because we are heavy comic book fans so we kinda have a slight idea of where this might be going. Disney+ seems to be doing a lot better than I expected, The Mandalorian (if you are interested in our review of the show click here) and now Marvel‘s WandVision. Dr. Strange movie is a somewhat giveaway already to what we might expect in the show. Just look at the title: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. “Multiverse”!! So is Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) in another universe? Or did she make one up for her and Vision (Paul Bettany) to live in as normal people? Why the 50’s? Is this a bigger introduction to welcoming the rest of the Marvel characters? I’m talking about X-men, Deadpool, Cable, and more importantly Magneto. In the comics, Scarlet Witch and QuickSilver are his kids. But due to Marvel selling the X-men characters to FOX we never got to see the right combination of characters be on the same screen together. Now that Disney basically bought off FOX those characters are now one with Marvel again. Now Disney and Marvel have been leaving clues in movies and as far as I hear there are clues in the show as well. So I want to lay out the clues per episode as well. So there is going to be a lot of updating on this particular article.

I never understood why Hollywood? Or maybe it’s the actor/actress? Why would they just stick with making movies or TV Shows? Why not both? No-a-days more and more are moving between both which I really like but it always bothered me that DC Comics would have a “TV show” universe and a “movie” Universe of the same characters when DC comics could have taken the same actors and movies them to the big screen. The acting is the same the only difference is that they would have a bigger budget to play around with the CGI or adding more characters.

Thank God!! Marvel and Disney really made it a priority to have the same actors play the same characters. You have no idea how much I hate continuing movies with different actors. It just doesn’t seem right to me. And yes you guys are going to mention the actors that played the Hulk but… The Hulk movies were a bit of a mess. On top of that new CGI and trying to actually learn how to make a proper Marvel movie, that’s rough… Just look at the DareDevil Movie!! But anyways “on with the show!”

In the first episode, the show takes place in a black and white ’50s in kinda ‘I Love Lucy’ type feel. I love these little hints this show gives off. The best part of the show is the dinner, Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) can’t answer visons boss’s questions. “Why did you move from? What brought you here? How long have you been married? And why don’t you have kids?” After those questions, both Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) kinda start breaking down. The 50’s acting goes out the window and they are confused that they can’t answer those questions easily. In the middle of them trying to proses those questions something real happens. The boss starts to choke on his food. The boss’s wife doesn’t seem to understand that she is losing her husband to scrambled eggs or toast. But Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) kinda snap back to reality for 2 minutes to save the man. It was intense and an interesting vibe that the episode started to give out.

The ending though, who was watching the episode with us? Was it the person that set the show-up? Did the person somehow save Visoion somehow? Do they seriously like black and white show s, and acting cause I wasn’t a really big fan!

The second episode was more towards “Bewitched” in the ’60s. The cartoon intro was awesome. I loved it. They didn’t really capture the style of it cause it was to smooth but I love the art style of the characters. I miss that art!

This episode was a bit more on the comedy side. Back then they added a lot of foolish story twists to keep the people’s eyes on the… screen? Monitor? window with lights inside?!

The big moment for me was the radio with Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Dottie (Emma Caulfield). The actress here was actually on Buffy the vampire slayer. Someone is trying to reach out to Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) through the old radio. Is Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) trapped there? And of course, Rhonda is easily misheard for Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen). But who is someone asking, “Who’s doing this to you, Wanda?” Is it the same person watching the show with us? is it the hero trying to save Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany)?

Dottie is confused as shit!! She looks like she is about to have a breakdown before everything went back to… WandVision normal! Dottie does something out of character which is to break a glass cup and her hand bleeds in color. I realized that whenever there is a moment that doesn’t belong in the actual show it would represent itself in color.

A surprise ending to this episode was Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) is suddenly pregnant. A scary scene happened next which was really good if you ask me. The noise from the tree branch came back and they went outside to take care of it once and for all. But ended up watching a sewer drain lid on the street slide open and a beekeeper with bees came out. The beekeeper quicker turned his head and Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) reversed time back to the moment of the pregnancy.

In the comics The Vision and the Scarlet Witch, the ’80s run of comics in which she magically gave birth to twins. The kids were sadly revealed to be fragments of the demon Mephisto. Distraught at the loss of her children, Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) later remodeled reality in the 2005 House of M comics storyline.

Then as they were enjoying the moment of the pregnancy color came to the world.

Easter Eggs:

House Number

I can already see that the first scene is an easter egg. The address that they live on is 2800 in reference to which universe they might be in, Earth-2800. Someone posted a comic book series that Marvel created called The Vision. The artwork looks great and I did like the way the cover images depict the secrecy and the importance of trying to make this “real, nuclear family” work. In the comic book, Vision (Paul Bettany) has to have all his memory erased in order to save his system. All alone and wanting to live like a normal human, Vision (Paul Bettany) creates his own family of synthetic androids, with a wife, a son, and a daughter, and together they try their best to be simply ordinary. The comic series came out in 2015 by Tom King and Gabriel Hernandez Walta, you guys should look into it.

In both Vision (Paul Bettany) and WandaVision, the family’s house number is very important. In the 2015 comic run, the house number Vision (Paul Bettany) and his family live at is 616. If you’ve read any Marvel comics, you probably realize that’s a reference to Earth-616, the main universe that most of the comic book storylines take place, known as the Prime Universe. Does this mean that Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) made this reality or is this a reality that already exists and she is just controlling it by mirroring it to our reality?

Calander Date

Vision (Paul Bettany) points out a heart on the calendar and they point it out for a whole 2 minutes. On the WandaVision “TV series” it’s marked as a dinner date for the lovely couple. In reality, if you think about it a bit, Americans read dates month / day / year but for Europeans, they read it as day / month / year. So instead of 08/23 for Wanda, she would read it as 23 / 08 or better yet 23 8. If this is an easter egg… I looked it up! I didn’t know if this was an easter egg, I’m being honest! It’s a comic book issue number. A 1963’s Avengers #238, in which the android reawakens after being deactivated when he passed through an energy field in the previous issue.

Vision (Paul Bettany) died in Avengers: Endgame, but the numbers 238 or 823, depending on your perspective, are also shown again during the faux commercial for a Strucker watch.

823 and 238 are also Marvel universes — both of which illusion is involved.

Earth-238 was introduced in 1981 as the “Crooked World,” and it was constructed by a character called Mad Jim Jaspers, who outlawed all superheroes. However, much like Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen), Jim’s powers had a drawback. In the process of building the new world he lost his sanity, which has always been a fear where Scarlet Witch is concerned, especially since she’s faced so many tragedies.

Earth-TRN823 found the character of Maestro making all of his dreams come true by winning a seemingly impossible battle with God Emperor Doom.

TV Commercials

Commercial tries to sell you a new toaster from Stark Industries a company run by Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) and his father, Howard Stark, before him. The Toast Mate 2000 takes a creepy turn when it beeps ominously and the light indicator actually lights up red in color just before the bread pops up like a bomb. On Avengers: Age of Ultron Wanda’s parents were killed by an explosive device, leaving her and her twin brother, Pietro, trapped under rubble. For two days, the Maximoffs stared at an unexploded Stark Industries shell, expecting it to detonate before they were rescued.

The wine

When Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) magically sets the table, the wine she pours is ‘Maison du Mépris’. That means house of contempt or scorn, but more importantly, the letter M on the neck of the bottle which maybe signifying The House of M comic book storyline in which a traumatized Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) reshaped reality into a new world ruled by her family.

Episode 2

The Grim Reaper

(I didn’t even notice this) Vision (Paul Bettany) phases through the floor in the opening credits of episode 2. Among the pipes and cobwebs are a couple of bones and a dark shape that looks like the helmet worn by Marvel villain Grim Reaper. In the comic books, he’s the brother of Wonder Man, whose brainwaves were used in Vision’s creation. In the 2015 series where Vision (Paul Bettany) lives a suburban life, Grim Reaper showed up at his home and met a sticky end.

The supermarket signs

The supermarket signs in episode 2’s animated opening credits advertise ‘Bova Milk’, a reference to the super-evolved cow who served as midwife at Wanda’s birth in the comic. Because that’s not crazy! Another sign mentions ‘Aunty A’s Kitty Litter’, which is surely a reference to the ancient witch Agatha Harkness and her cat-like familiar named Ebony. Which might make you wonder about Kathryn Hahn’s fabulous neighbor who happens to be named Agnes.

The Toy Plain

A toy helicopter in episode 2 is painted in Iron Man’s signature red and yellow crashed into Wanda’s bushes at her house. She notices a logo depicting a sword in a circle. In the comic books, there’s an organization called S.W.O.R.D in the comics that complements S.H.I.E.L.D‘s Earthbound activities by taking care of extraterrestrial threats.

The Woman

There is a woman that also wears a neckless with a logo depicting a sword in a circle. This woman apparently is the daughter of Captain Marvel’s friend, Monica Rambeau. If you watched the movie Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) you would see the little girl. Somehow she got caught in this, WandaVision episode but no clue how.

The gum

(found this easter egg) The brand of gum that gums up Vision’s insides is ‘Big Red’, which was also the working title of this show when it was filmed in Atlanta in 2019. Don’t know if it’s true or not.

Magic Act

In the show, they do a magic act and call themselves “Glamor and Illusion.” In the comic books, Vision (Paul Bettany) and Scarlet Witch were friends with a married couple called Glamor and Illusion who also secretly used superpowers to pull off their tricks.

The Radio

(found this easter egg on Twitter) A song we hear while Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) is talking to Dottie lets you know that it’s about 1965 cause the song ‘Help Me, Rhonda’ by the Beach Boys was playing.

The commercial

This second ad advertising is for a watch branded with the names Strucker and Hydra. Hydra is, of course, the organization threatening Marvel’s world, and Baron Wolfgang von Strucker is the evil scientist who developed Wanda’s powers and set her against the Avengers in Age of Ultron.

The ad’s tagline “He’ll make time for you” implies a continued role for Strucker despite his death at Ultron’s hands, and it might tie into the show’s televisual themes if he was seen again on a TV screen like fellow Hydra scientist Arnim Zola in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

(Read on Facebook) Someone else has mentioned that the 2 actors in the commercial so far are the same.  In the first commercial there was a saying “Forget your past, this is your future.” It may mean it could be Wanda’s parents.

The Beekeeper

There is something here but… I don’t think it was to valid to post but if anyone has any clue let me know.

Come back for more Easter eggs and observations next Friday, when episode 3 of WandaVision hits Disney Plus.


I had to post these little videos of the actors going over their character’s history. It’s better than to have some boring PowerPoint presentation of the characters.

Interviews & Bloopers

My favorite thing to watch are bloopers you can’t hate on any blooper videos. It’s just to funny!


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