These are some bad times in the great U.S. of A. The COVID-19 pandemic is among us. The weather is amazing and we aren’t allowed to go to our local destinations like the park or bike paths, or the local pool to enjoy with friends and family.

We all hear it, “Social Distancing”. You must social distance yourself from everyone to help stop the virus. In most countries the police are already cracking down on people by splitting groups up, giving fines. In India, cops are beating people with sticks. People in Italy are getting yelled at by there government officials that they voted for. In New York, the cops are setting up drones to fly over and yell at your ass “disperse you’re in violation…” What that really means is: “THE FUCK! Why are you here? Go the fuck home!”

It’s fine. It’s understandable why this has to be done. Well, for normal people it’s understandable for others they don’t seem to get it yet. I noticed some Facebook posts for a petition to reopen the parks. A lot of people, including me didn’t understand why that was happening! The whole purpose is to keep people away from each other and instead, people are trying to come together more. But to each his own, I guess.

A party of 200 people was broken up by police cause younger adults don’t seem to care. This kinda falls into that joke a comedian made, “a society can only move as fast as its slowest citizen.”

The concern that I have though is when people like the police start taking advantage of the excuse of social distancing. I guess the best way to compare would be frisking. When a cop automatically stops someone on the sidewalk to check their pockets. The problem with that is most of the people that were stops and frisks were a specific group of people. It basically gave the cops the power to stop anyone they wanted and interrupt their day so they can find an excuse to arrest you. Even though it didn’t look like they did anything wrong beforehand.

But this isn’t exactly what I am focusing on in this article. In this article, I am focusing more on businesses who are placing “social distancing” rules and regulations for their employees. I have recently read in an article that Amazon is now placing social distancing rules and regulations for there employees. The problem with this is that Amazon is not set up to adapt to this situation. Which in previous articles I have mentioned. Large companies are going to have to take their time to adapt to the situation because obviously deep down America already knew, not really, that this wasn’t going to be a two-week thing. Side Note: Just letting everybody know it’s not going to be another two months like the president said it’s going to go up to maybe September.

A rule or regulation that is put in place were the managers are to use his/her own eyes to find trouble that falls under “social distancing” is like trusting a stranger with your family. You can only hope that the person you’ve entrusted will be honest and will not throw you under the bus if somehow you don’t piss that person off. Hopefully, other companies will not do what Amazon is doing and go to far with a temporary situation.

Already Amazon has fired 3 employees for not “social distancing”. But what’s funny is that Amazon has had their employees go on strike because the warehouses were not disinfected or don’t have hand sanitizers, wipes and so on to keep their employees satisfied that amazon is taking this pandemic seriously. But we will have to see.

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