O MY GOD!!! This is the best commercial ever created since whenever life existed ever!! Peter Dinklage (facebook link) is just “the man” in HBO’s Game of Thrones and he is the boss in this commercial rapping Busta Rhymes (facebook link) lyrics from “Look at Me Now” by Chris Brown. Morgan Freeman (facebook link) makes everything look good and he got that deep sexy type voice raps up Missy Elliott’s (website) lyrics from the iconic single “Get Your Freak On,”and he is on point. I don’t know about you people but I need to just download this commercial a the highest quality possible and save it!

I don’t want to say much on this post but I do have to admit the awesomeness that surrounds the commercial. I love the fact that they mixed all the things together so well. Doritos and Mountain Dew did such a great job bringing these artists together and mixing it up. This commercial makes me want to go buy a year supply of both just because! I mean, the drawlines business is all about creativity and creative freedom so taking this commercial apart and summing it up in 5 words “TAKE MY MONEY NOW BITCHES!”

The only other commercial that I have given so much praise was the “1800 Tequila” commercial. Which I’ll link down here so you can just again with me how awesome it is! Don’t get me wrong they are both in to separate leagues here but still, you have to appreciate the details of the commercial.  Watch and enjoy the video, I have to give it to all of them, bravo. This commercial was well made and I hope the rest of the super bowl commercials are just as great. And if not we get to make some “lol” comments about them! Enjoy!!



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